Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Bill Murray NO to Ghostbusters 3

Now it's official Bill Murray won't do Ghostbusters 3.

There has being so many rumours going around about a 3rd Ghostbuster movie over the
last couple of months. The spokesperson of the movie project maintained that director Ivan Reitman
and stars Harold Ramis and Rick Moranis wanted to return. But the project paused on the involvement of Bill Murray. All the reports said that Bill Murray didn't want to do this movie. There was even rumours that said that Murray shredded a copy of the script that he was given. Aykroyd denied these rumours saying that Murray held Aykroyds writing too high to shred it.

But still Aykroyd was hoping the movie would go ahead. But according to The Telegraph Murray has official confirmed he won't be part of the movie. And it looks now unlikely the movie will go ahead. Aykroyed said "at this point the movies in suspended animation. the studio, the director Ivan Reitman and Harold Ramis feel there must be a way to do this movie but Bill Murray won't do it.

Has it been to long of await for this movie? or is Bill Murray the major draw of the ghostbuster movies?

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